Dr. Michael Platt is board-certified in internal medicine. He is known internationally as an expert in bio-identical hormones. He is considered by many to be the world's expert on the use of high-dose progesterone cream Is the author of: "The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones" - six literary awards "Adrenaline Dominance" - five literary awards "The Platt Protocol for Hormone Balancing" - a wellness manual for doctors Platt is considered an important pioneer in the observational, functional, alternative, and allopathic medicine focused on bio-identical hormones and adrenaline overload.
In this episode:
- What is adrenal dominance
- The effects of adrenal dominance
- The powerful effects of progesterone cream
- Progesterone versus estrogen therapy
- How there is no such thing as adrenal exhaustion and what it really is
- Why doctors oftentimes can't help you with hormones
- The harmful effects of estrogen therapy
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In the OnTrack Program You Find Out Exactly What is Keeping You From Losing Weight, Balance Your Hormones and Feel Amazing!