Every system in the body is controlled by hormones. As we get older, hormone levels change…and so do we. Manipulating levels of certain hormones can provide a significant change to the quality of life.
I would like to provide certain information that might help you wade through the morass of conflicting statements associated with advice about hormones. Questions may arise about the following: Which hormones do I replace? Should they be in the form of pills, creams, injections, troches, or pellets placed under the skin? Should I have a blood test, saliva test, or a urine test to determine my levels? What are the potential side effects? What kind of doctor or practitioner should I use? Is it necessary to sign up for an annual program for a few thousand dollars?
How do I determine if the doctor is qualified to balance my hormones? Should the hormones be combined into one pill or one cream?
I do not have enough space to answer all these questions. Instead, I will discuss hormones from a direction that I feel will be helpful to you. I am obliged to tell you that you should only listen to the advice of your doctor.
But you should be aware that doctors actually receive very little or no training when it comes to hormones – specifically when it comes to replacement therapy. This includes gynecologists. Doing your own due diligence about hormones can easily put you on the same level of knowledge, or possibly above, the level of your doctor.
This lack of knowledge has resulted in the following fallacies with regards to hormones:
- Women who have had hysterectomies do not need to be placed on progesterone
- Progesterone is a woman’s hormone
- TSH is the only thyroid screening test that is necessary
- A low AM cortisol level on a saliva test indicates adrenal fatigue
- Estradiol is the primary hormone to replace in women and should always be given
- Read my Blog - 12 Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance.
- Premarin cream is effective for vaginal dryness
- There is no cure for stress incontinence
- Saliva tests are the most accurate tests to determine hormone levels
- Progesterone taken orally is an effective way to replace levels
- Hot flashes should always be treated with estrogen
- Pellet therapy is a safe way to provide hormone replacement
- Testosterone causes prostate cancer
In a perfect world you will be able to find a practitioner that treats patients and uses blood tests only to confirm what he already knows. Women in menopause will have almost no progesterone, and low levels of estradiol, testosterone, and DHEA. Testosterone is an important hormone for the heart, and used correctly it can eliminate stress incontinence. Women with the highest DHEA levels have the greatest longevity. Progesterone cream should always be used on a daily basis in a 5% strength.
Be wary of estradiol. Estriol 2.5 mg is the weakest and, in my opinion, the safest against the effects of possible cancer caused by estrogen dominance. It will also help eliminate vaginal dryness in 10-14 days when used intravaginally (a 2.5mg strength).
For those of you who wish to learn more about hormones, I would recommend my book “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones”. It is the number one hormone book in Germany, and had brought thousands of patients to my office from all over the country and all over the world. I have written a manual for doctors and healthcare practitioners called: “The Platt Protocol for Hormone Balancing”. It is available on my website (www.plattwellness.com). My other book is called “Adrenaline Dominance”, which explores all the conditions caused by excess adrenaline, many felt to be incurable, and how to treat it. These conditions include fibromyalgia, PMDD, ADHD, insomnia, weight gain, IBS, road rage, bed-wetting in children, cyclical vomiting syndrome, and more.
The bottom line: It is not difficult to get hormones in balance. However, it needs to be done logically and selectively.
Please be aware that my book “The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones” has received four national book awards. It won the Best Health Book Award from All Books Reviews in 2008. They stated the following: “Dr. Platt’s book is an excellent source of information on health issues facing many people. His book was the most enlightening, educational, and well written amongst all our health submissions”.
It also won Reader’s Views Best Alternative Health Book Award. They stated that “We are pleased and proud to have discovered Dr. Platt’s pioneering health book and have been able to honor it with an award”.
In addition, the book won the Most Progressive Health Book Award from IPPY. They made the following statement: “For 25 years our mission at Independent Publisher (IPPY) has been to recognize and encourage the work of publishers who exhibit the courage and creativity necessary to take chances, break new ground, and bring about change, not only to the world of publishing, but to our society. The winners represent the cutting age of independent thinking and expression.”
This book also received a USA Book News Health Book Award.
The Platt Wellness Team is pleased to assist you with information about our products. Please know we are not licensed medical professionals and therefore cannot provide you with any medical advice or information. If you require medical advice or information please contact a medical or health care professional. Please remember the information contained in this email message is for informational purposes only. The statements in this email have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
@Cherry – Progesterone cream is the most important hormone to replace after a hysterectomy. Ironically, there are doctors who give women only estrogen after a hysterectomy because they feel that progesterone is not needed if there is no uterus. I guess that these doctors are not aware that these women also have breasts and Progesterone Cream helps protect against the estrogen-dominance effect.
If you are experiencing vaginal dryness you can use Estriol 2.5 cream.
Both hormone creams are found here:
We also offer a free HRT guide here:
I am 68 years old. I am having hot flashes, hair loss, dry skin and have had a hysterectomy. What cream should I try
Be wary of estradiol. Estriol 2.5 mg is the weakest and, in my opinion, the safest against the effects of possible cancer caused by estrogen dominance. In fact, it is so safe that it has been used to treat breast cancer, since it occupies estrogen receptor sites and blocks stronger forms of estrogen. It is also the best to help eliminate vaginal dryness in 10-14 days when used intravaginally (a 2.5mg strength).
Hi I’m 58 years old and in menopause at 56 years old! Im confused about what I’m taking, which is Estradiol! I just starting taking it a week ago! My sister uses your products. Can you advise me on what I need? I read your post and it says Estradiol is not good.
Thanks Kim